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Quality of Service

Create Quota


  1. Login as Admin User
  2. Select Cluster Tab
  3. Select Cluster Config Sub-Tab
  4. Select Configuration Settings
  5. Select Quality of Service to expand.
  6. Click Edit on both options and enable.
  7. Click on Save


  1. Select Users and Groups
  2. Select Manage Groups Sub-Tab
  3. Click Search
  4. Click Group QoS on Users Actions.
  5. De-select Unlimited tick box for Storage Quota HIGH LIMIT
  6. Enter 10240 in HIGH LIMIT of Storage Quota (10240 KiB)
  7. Click Save
  8. Logout of Admin user


Warning limit and High Limit can be considered as a Soft Limit (warning) and a Hard Limit (High). For a soft limit, a WARN level message is sent to the S3 Service's application log if either the group or users storage data reaches this limit.

Test QOS limit


  1. Login as the regular user you created earlier. Be sure to select Users as the Group Name


Please note the padlock symbol next to the object key indicating encryption is in use for those objects.


  1. Ensure Buckets and Objects Selected
  2. Click Objects Tab
  3. Select “myrf3bucket
  4. Click Upload File
  5. Upload a 5Mb and 20Mb File
  6. Click Start Upload
  7. Validate that 5Mb File Succeeds but 20Mb file fails.
  8. Upload another 5Mb File
  9. Confirm this 5Mb File upload Fails

Can you explain why the second 5Mb file fails to upload?


  1. Login as Admin User
  2. Select User & Groups Tab
  3. Select Manage Groups Sub-Tab
  4. Click Search
  5. Click Group QoS
  6. Select Unlimited for Storage Quota
  7. Click Save

Disable SSE in Storage Policy


Let us now disable SSE encryption on our RF3 bucket.

  1. In the CMC, whilst logged in as an Admin User
  2. Select Cluster Tab
  3. Select Storage Policies Sub-Tab
  4. Select View/Edit


  1. Scroll down the page until you see the Server-Side Encryption field
  2. From the drop down menu, select NONE
  3. Select SAVE to commit the changes.


  1. Login as User
  2. Ensure Buckets and Objects Selected
  3. Click Objects Tab
  4. Select “myrf3bucket
  5. Click Upload File
  6. Upload a 20MB File
  7. Click Start Upload


  1. Confirm the upload is completed successfully. Note that the newly uploaded file does not have a padlock against it as it was not encrypted using Server-Side Encryption.

Rating Plans


  1. Login as Admin User
  2. Select Users & Groups Tab
  3. Select Rating Plan Sub-Tab
  4. Click + Add Rating Plan
  5. Type “demo” under ID
  6. Type “Demo-RP” under Name
  7. Choose your Currency
  8. Expand Storage-Size Rates
  9. Click Add 3 times


  1. Update Storage Size and Rate as above.
  2. Click Save


  1. Navigate to Users & Groups > Manage Users
  2. Select the Users group name then click SEARCH
  3. Click on Edit next to the User
  4. Select demo from the Rating Plan drop down menu
  5. Click Save to apply the new rating plan


You can only generate a bill using Admin API for a month that has already completed. For more information on billing, check the HyperStore documentation under API > Admin API > billing