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Object Lock

Disable Root


Disabling the root account is a non-reversable action in the lab


  1. Login as root user to the Config / Installer HyperStore node using the password provided by your trainer
  2. Change directory to /opt/cloudian-staging/8.1 and run the script


  1. Select Advanced Configuration Options
  2. Select Disable Root Password (Option m)
  3. Type "yes" in response to the prompt


HSH must be enabled before you can disable the root password.


  1. Exit from menu and logout as root user. The root user account is now disabled

Create Object Locked Bucket


  1. Login as admin user to CMC
  2. View User Data for previously created user
  3. Select + Add New Bucket
  4. Enter mylockedbucket for bucket name
  5. Click Object Lock Button to enable Object Lock
  6. Ensure RF3 is selected for Storage Policy
  7. Click Create


  1. Read the Warning (and do read the warning) It is important to understand these changes are permanent for the bucket.
  2. Click OK to proceed.


You will now see your new bucket, with a padlock next to the name, denoting this bucket as object locked.

  1. Upload the 5k file to the mylockedbucket
  2. Try to delete the 5k object. Were you succesful? Why?
    As you can see, the bucket is configured for Object Lock, but there is no retention policy set, so objects uploaded are not locked.


  1. Click on the Bucket Properties
  2. Click on Object Lock tab
  3. Notice Default Object Lock Policy is set to None
  4. Notice the additional Modes
    Governance :- This allows Deletes
    Compliance : No Deletes allowed until retention period ends.
  5. Click on Compliance Mode
  6. Set a retention period of 1 day. This is the minimum that can be set via CMC.
  7. Click Save


  1. Upload the 5k file to the mylockedbucket
  2. Notice this time, the Object now has a version and the version has a padlock next to it. Can you delete it now?


The object cannot be deleted until the retention period has expired.


  1. Click on the Object properties, and then the Object Lock Tab.


You cannot change Mode. You can also see when the retention period for this object ends.
You can extend the Retain Until date but not reduce it.
You may also enable a LEGAL HOLD against the object from here.