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SSL Certificates


  1. Login to your config master node as root
  2. change directory to /opt/cloudian-staging/8.0.1/
  3. Download the privkey.pem certificate file
  4. Download the fullchain.pem certificate file
    cd /opt/cloudian-staging/8.0.1/
    wget --user=admin --password=cloudian123
    wget --user=admin --password=cloudian123 


  1. Import the two certificates creating a ca-bundle
  2. Apply the config to the nodes
    hsctl cert import fullchain.pem privkey.pem /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt  
    hsctl config apply ALL 


  1. After applying the new config to the cluster nodes, a pause of about 5 minutes should be given.
  2. Restart all services to ensure the process is fully deployed and enabled
    hsctl service restart all --nodes all


  1. Open a web browser to your cmc on port 8443 and confirm the site is secured


  1. Click on the padlock to identify the certificate if required


  1. Open a web browser to your S3 endpoint using port 443 and confirm the site is secured
  2. you can also click on the padlock to identify the certificate if required.
  3. Change tab to details and scroll down to Subject Alternative name to identify all the entries