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Enable view-user-data


  1. Select Users & Groups / Manage Users
  2. Ensure Users is selected in Group Name
  3. Click Search


By Default in versions 8.x+, an admin or group admin cannot manage the buckets and objects of users within the CMC (admin can still manage S3 credentials of users, therefore utilizing an external S3 client will allow admins to manage user objects)
Notice under ACTIONS, there is no view user data option.
Lets change the config to allow this function. We need to do this explicitly for System Administrators, Group Administrators or both.

Configuring View_User_Data as root (if not completed earlier)


  1. Log-in to your config node1 using SSH as root user
  2. We will use the "hsctl" command to modify the HyperStore configuration
    hsctl config set cmc.ui.admin.manageUsers.view.objectDataGrantees=SystemAdmin
    Having enabled the setting we must now apply
    hsctl config apply cmc
    Finally we must restart the CMC on all nodes bash hsctl service restart cmc --nodes=ALL

Create Bucket


Some application buckets require a unique Storage Policy to be assigned to them, for instance Veeam. Be aware of the application requirements so you can ensure your bucket/storage policy configuration is correct.


  1. Select Users & Groups then Manage Users
  2. Ensure Users is selected in Group Name
  3. Click Search
    You can now see the View User data under Actions
    Click View User Data to create a new bucket for the user.


  1. Type “myrf3bucket” in Bucket Name
  2. Select SRF3 Storage Policy
  3. Click Create

Notice that you cannot enable Object Lock on this bucket. The reason is shown if you hover over the Disable button.


You can only enable Object Lock on a bucket at creation, you cannot enable Object Lock later

Upload Data to Bucket


  1. Logout from the Admin user
  2. Login as the User you created in Chapter 2
  3. Ensure Buckets and Objects Selected
  4. Click Objects Tab
  5. Select “myrf3bucket
  6. Click Upload File
  7. Click + Add files
  8. Choose 5K and 50K Files from the course materials
  9. Click Start Upload
  10. Ensure Upload completes successfully
  11. Logout of the User session

Locate Object


  1. Login as Admin User
  2. Select Analytics Tab
  3. Select Object Locator Sub-Tab
  4. Type “myrf3bucket” in Bucket Name
  5. Type 5k in Object Name
  6. Click Find
  7. Validate Type as “REPLICAS
  8. Validate that there are 3 Separate Replicas


  1. Type 50k in Object Name
  2. Click Find
  3. Validate Type as “REPLICAS
  4. Validate that there are 3 Separate Replicas


Note that currently the object locator does not support wildcard as entries. You must put in exact Bucket / Object names.