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Cluster Upgrade

There are 2 main scenarios that affect the way a cluster can be upgraded. Where the engineer has access to the root account and where they do not have access to the root account. Cloudian Certified Engineers must be familiar with both methods

Root Account Enabled Upgrade

Download Upgrade Contents


In a real world scenario you need to use your existing HyperStore license when extracting the binaries, this will be available for download from the customer portal or on your running system. Care must be taken to ensure you select the correct license from those available to you.


  1. To simplify matters we will download all files required for the upgrade
  2. Login using SSH to your puppet master using root credentials
  3. Change to the CloudianPackages folder
    cd /root/CloudianPackages/
  4. Create an upgrade directory and change to this new directory

    mkdir binaries7.5.3
    cd binaries7.5.3
    Download the following files:
    Cloudian HyperStore binary
    Cloudian lab mem74 script
    wget --user=admin --password=cloudian123  
    wget --user=admin --password=cloudian123  

  5. We also need to use the actual system license to extract the binaries. As we know the exact name of the license used in the lab we can go ahead and copy this now

  6. In a live environment you muct ensure that the correct license is used to prevent overwriting the existing one.
    cp /opt/cloudian/conf/cloudian_license.lic .

Extract the binaries


  1. Use the chmod command to make the Cloudian HyperStore binary executable
  2. For the lab only, we will also make the mem74 script executable

chmod +x *.bin *.sh
1. Ensure the file is executable
1. Extract binary against the downloaded current license key
./CloudianHyperStore-7.5.3.bin cloudian_12345.lic

Rerun Memory Tunables (LAB ONLY!)


As mentioned in previous labs, it is critical that is run immediately after unpacking and before running the installer. Failure to run this script may make your lab environment unresponsive and likely require the nodes to be terminated and recreated requiring you to setup all your networking again


  1. Run the shell script and check the tuneables have been set by viewing the relavent line in the common.csv file
grep heap /etc/cloudian-*-puppet/manifests/extdata/common.csv

Hyperstore upgrade


  1. Once extracted, run the from the extracted contents from the /opt/cloudian-staging/7.5.3/ directory
    You will be presented with a menu, and an option to upgrade from 7.5.2 to 7.5.3
  2. Select this option (3)
  3. When asked to run basic tests, type no
  4. When asked if you want to proceed with upgrade, type yes
  5. Monitor the upgrade

Root Account Disabled Upgrade

Configure HSH if not already completed


  1. SSH into your Config / Installer node (Node 1) as root
  2. Check / Ensure HSH is currently disabled by running
    hsctl config get hsh.enabled
  3. Enable HSH by running
    hsctl config set hsh.enabled=true
  4. Apply the new config to all nodes in the cluster
    hsctl config apply hsh
  5. Exit the root ssh session. We will not disable the root account yet as we have other tasks coming later that require root access.

Download Upgrade Contents


Within the labs we have mounted some external media which houses the required files. You will need to mount your own drive or copy over the files using SCP or similar.

Additionally in a real world scenario you need to use your existing HyperStore license when extracting the binaries, this will be available for download from the customer portal. Care must be taken to ensure you select the correct license from those available to you.


  1. SSH into your Config / Installer node (Node 1) as sa_admin
  2. look at your working directory by running
  3. create a new directory for the files required for the upgrade
    mkdir CloudianPackages7.5.3
  4. Change to that new directory
    cd CloudianPackages7.5.3
  5. copy the following files
    cp /studentfiles/CloudianHyperStore-7.5.3.bin .
    cp /studentfiles/CloudianHyperStore-7.5.3.bin.sig . 
    cp /studentfiles/cloudian_12345.lic .
  6. Make the Binary file executable
    chmod +x CloudianHyperStore-7.5.3.bin
  7. Ensure file is executable
    ls -l

Software Upgrade


  1. Extract binary by executing
    hsrun --root CloudianHyperStore-7.5.3.bin cloudian_12345.lic


Ensure that the version you are unpacking is the version you are upgrading to. Unpacking an older binary version (such as your current deployment version) will cause problems with your cluster.


  1. Once extracted, you will get an output such as the one in the screenshot above.
  2. Exit your legacy SSH session


  1. SSH into your Config / Installer node (Node 1) as sa_admin and select "0" to start a new session or "s" to Start a Sessionless Shell using the newly updated HyperStoreShell
  2. Run the suggested command hspkg install
    hspkg install


  1. You will be presented with a menu, and an option to upgrade from 7.5.2 to 7.5.3
  2. Type '3' to select the option to upgrade then press Enter
  3. If asked to run basic tests, type No
  4. When asked if you want to proceed with upgrade, type yes

The upgrade will take about 45 minutes to complete.


  1. Once the upgrade finishes, you will return to the menu of the script
  2. Select 'x' to exit the script


It is important to exit out of the script when you are done, as other operations done through the CMC will also utilize the same script. If there is a process using the script (such as your terminal), other operations will fail.