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Post Course Supplimentary Tasks

Viewing Cluster Information


You may have accesses some of these screens already, however familiarity is important in knowing where to look and where to modify settings.

Firstly, ensure you are logged into the CMC as a System Admin, and if not log in as one now.


  1. Select Cluster tab
  2. Select Cluster Config sub-tab
  3. Assuming Cluster Information is already showing, confirm the version of HyperStore you are running and the duration of your license.


We will now look at our Service Information. Pay particular attention to the node or nodes defined for the following:

  1. Config Controller Primary Host
  2. Redis Credentials Master Host
  3. Reds QOS Master Host
  4. Redis Monitor Primary Host

In your live environment you should familiarise yourself with these so you will be aware of any changes. Print off and retain a copy of your companies cluster so you have an offlinbe copy of the information.

Viewing and Ammending Cluster Settings


Move to your Cluster Settings on the second sub-tab. Not all of these settings will need to be modified and some that will would be under the guidance of Cloudian Support.


  1. Expand the SMTP/Email Settings for Alerts/Notifications
  2. Write up the configuration settings you would be required to make for your own environment.


  1. Next we can highlight our SNMP Trap Destination Settings.
  2. Configuration options are Destination Endpoint and Destination port which defaults to 162.

  3. We can also configure how a disk failure is handled by HyperStore. This is a single option and normally would not be modified.

  4. For Usage Tracking We are able to enable tracking of Data Request Rates and Data Transfer Rates.


We have already looked at QOS in a previous module.

  1. If you enable a QOS policy on your own system and it does not take effect, check to confirm that you have enabled QOS in the main settings.
  2. Auto-tiering is disabled by default. Should you need to enable this, it is done within these settings
  3. You can also set S3 Request Restrictions should this be a requirement for you system. In most cases you will not modify this setting.


  1. We should be careful with the Auto Repair Schedule. Settings here modify the time delay between auto repair runs. We should only change this under guidance from Cloudian Support.
  2. We can also, under the Alert Settings heading, Surpress Alerts that are duplicated by HyperIQ, should that be in use to monitor and report on our cluster