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Cluster Upgrade

Prerequisites and Requirements


All upgrades will have prerequisites and requirements. These will be listed in the release notes and associated documentation and must be read and understood thoroughly prior to undertaking an upgrade. Cloudian® release notes contain details of important key additions, enhancements, and fixes that are included in the particular release.


Let us now consider some of the information from HS-8.1-releasenotes. For berevity only some of the available information is posted below. For a live environment you must read the full release notes for the version of firmware you are deploying.

We will now confirm that we understand any and all requirements we must meet before we continue with the upgrade.

Read the Release Notes - General Notes

  1. The labs are already running Rocky Linux with our system set to UEFI
  2. Should your system need upgrading from CentOS to Rocky you will need to utilise the latest version of the Software Upgrade Tool.
  3. As we are already on version 8.0.1 we should be aware that the common.csv has been retired and we are now using the HS configuration database (managed through hsctl commands)
  4. We are not using HyperSearch within this the training labs so the next note can be safely ignored
  5. We are not employing SSL-offloading within the labs so again this next statement can be safely ignored after we have read and understood it all

Read the Release Notes - Upgrade Notes

As this is not a new install we will focus on the upgrade notes

  1. We are running a supported version of HyperStore to continue with this upgrades
  2. In the labs we understand that we are working with a limited system, in a live system the hardware requirements muct be achieved prior to considering upgrading HyperStore
  3. We are not upgrading from 7.5.x, however we should still read through the notes to fully understand the potential issues. In this case we do not need to turn off concurrent repair nor restart the Hyperstore Service, and can continue to the next step
  4. Best Practice suggests that any customizations within a cluster should always be fully documented. We should therefore already be aware of these non-default settings as we start the upgrade. We should still confirm any conflicts (differences) which are identified and apply them again as part of the upgrade process

Prepare System for Upgrade


Experience has shown that there are a number of checks that help prepare the system for an upgrade. These should be completed prior to extracting the binaries


  1. SSH onto node 1 (Config Master) as sa_admin and start a shell session
  2. First we need to check that all nodes are included in the upgrade process. To do this we will start the Cloudian installer
    hspkg install


  1. Once we have started the installer script, select Advanced Configuration options
  2. Follow this with option r ) Exclude node(s) from configuration updates
  3. Type none at the prompt


  1. Having confirmed no nodes are excluded, we must exit the script
  2. Next we run hsctl config preview to identify any outstanding changes yet to be applied to the cluster
    hsctl config preview
  3. Follow this with hsctl config apply ALL to ensure all changes are committed. We should run the apply regardless of whether we identify any changes outstanding or not
    hsctl config apply All

Download Upgrade Contents


Within the labs we have mounted some external media which houses the required files. In your own environments you will need to mount your own drive or copy over the files using SCP or similar.


  1. SSH into your Config Controller Node (node1) as sa_admin
  2. Create an upgrade directory
    mkdir CloudianPackages8.1
  3. Change to that directory
    cd CloudianPackages8.1
  4. Copy the upgrade binary to your upgrade directory
    cp /studentfiles/CloudianHyperStore-8.1.bin . 
  5. Copy the upgrade signature file to your upgrade directory
    cp /studentfiles/CloudianHyperStore-8.1.bin.sig .
  6. Ensure files are as expected
    ls -l

Software Upgrade


Ensure that the version you are unpacking is the version you are upgrading to. Unpacking an older binary version (such as your current deployment version) will cause problems with your cluster.


  1. Extract binary by executing
    hsrun --root CloudianHyperStore-8.1.bin 


  1. Once extracted, you will get an output such as the one in the screenshot above.
  2. Run the command hspkg install to continue with the upgrade
    hspkg install


  1. You will be presented with a menu, and an option to upgrade from 8.0.1 to 8.1
  2. Type '3' to select the option to upgrade then press Enter
  3. When asked if you would like to run basic tests after the upgrade, answer No

The upgrade will take about 50 minutes to complete.


  1. Once the upgrade finishes, you will return to the menu of the script
  2. Select 'x' to exit the script


It is also best practice to always sign out of any script you have invoked as operations performed through the CMC will also utilize the same script. If there is a process using the script (such as your terminal), these operations will fail.